hmhmhm, weekend has come by! which is super awesome! i'm definitely excited n can't wait to spend it little by little bcuz on monday, hell is back:P
i knw i'm KIND OF *mayb very* exaggerating about dis, but really, these days, skool was not very enjoyable== everyday, there's little time 4 me to relax since after skool, i still hv private lesson somewhere else.. i can't sleep i can't watch i can't read. dangdang!
it's been a tough n tiring week, but i'm hoping it will change next week!
OK so, d reason i'm making a new post is bcuz:
1. i've become more interested in my guitar
2. i've started searching guitar chords on d inet
ok, i'm gonna discuss mostly about num3:DDD
first of all, bokura ga ita is d most awesome romantic anime i've evr watched in my life. The characters are perfect, d guy is sooooo handsome n real n their luv story is sooo friggin beautiful *crying
so, den i searched sum guitar chords on utube n find out people hav been playing suki dakara n merry go around wid a guitar!! damn i'm about to scream:DDDD
so, as soon as i heard it, my tears r instantly flowing... i'm very touched by d songs n it seemed dat lots of people hav d same reaction as i do *if they've alredy watched d anime*
oh well, but in d end, i was not able to play any songs since i cudn't understand guitar chords *like how to play em== but it was a fun experience to search 4 these kind of things:D
but, i manage to play romance de amour, not d whole song, but a quarter of it i guess heheh *another improvement
well, i guess dat's all i gotta report today... n tonight, i shall eat delicious gourmet:D
Quote 4 d day: "Being in luv wid music is d best thing that's evr happened"
I'm off now!