Gaaaaaaaah! i'm so furious n super disappointed!!!!!!! dis just totally ruin my super boring day:((
truthfully, since last night, i was soo impatient bcuz i can't wait to watch ANTM 17's finaleee.. i was hoping dat alison cud win.. i mean, she totally deserved it!! she is high fashion, pretty n has soo many fans around d world:D *including mee*
den today, i spent my time watching "cowboys n aliens" n "i am number 4". they were pretty much interesting butt my mind was still thinking about ANTM.
finally in d evening, my fren texted me dat there was a rumour about d winner of antm 17. N wat's evn more pissing is dat d winner is lisa!!!!!:( how cud dat happen?? i didn't really see dat coming. i was sooooooooooooooo mad n 4 d first time while watching this series, i am actually DISAPPOINTED @ d judges' judgement.
but wat's evn more interesting is dat there r a lot of people who think d same way as i do! some evn said dat alison is d true winner>u<
*a very long sigh* i guess yapping around won't change d fact dat alison is d runner up again:( but i'm still kinda grateful because she is able to b in d 2nd place n she is antm's fans' all time favorite:DD
here's 2 pics of her.. which r so awesome n also who's supposed to win dis cycle=3=

for cover girl...:

oh well, wat's happened will stay like dat. n now i'm gonna take a shower n take a rest from dis tiring day==
p.s. dis entry is an emergency one so i'll post d next real entry later~!:D
ok dis is d end for todayy..
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