Gosh, it's been a week already... such a long time eh?
Blame the stupid dumb" quarter test... this week was just... super disappointing n hard... n that's all thanks to QT1..:"(
butt it's the end of the week already, which means it's all over already!:D
got so much to tell, but i'm gonna summarise it since i don't wanna write that long:))
1st day of QT, it was chemistry. i really thought that i could do it. Like i was soo sure that i won't get a red mark. but guess what? on thursday i finally found out that i got 70... sooooooooooooooo F*ck*NG depressing n disappointing=-=" 5 more points then no more remedial.... IHATECHEM!
2nd day, it was english... so i "THOUGHT" again, that i won't get a bad mark. but i still don't know about the score til now.. it's still heartpounding but i'm pretty much sure i'll do just fine, but not excellent:(((
3rd day, hmm, if i'm not mistaken, it was math n BI.. n JUST LIKE WAT I THOUGHT, i screwed them up.... n what's even more F*CK*N pissing me off is the fact that i managed to skip A VERY EASY NUM ON Math which even guaranteed me even more that i'm soo gonna get a bad mark:D about BI? i'm not pretty sure about that, but i know that whenever i felt that my score is not gonna be that bad for BI, i always get the worst mark._.
4th day, PHYSICS... who would've thought that i think i did better in physics than math? now physics is not on my screwed up schedule... butt i still got plenty mistakes so i'm not that confident that i'll get the best score ever=="
5th/last day... it's biology time... which was supposed to be the easiest but turned out to be one of the hardest... SH*T. but it was also partly my fault for underestimating biology... instead of studying, i ended up playing guitar n stayed up til midnight.. I'm 70% sure that my biology score is also gonna be another depressing one... Haaaa~
anyway, that's pretty much all summed up huh?
although, i'm hoping that things will turned out differently tomorrow.. i'm gonna hang out wid my friends tom, and i'm gonna sing til i run out of voiceLOL *i know it's not funny but i still wanna use that sentence*
but you know, this whole week, overall is not very bad... there were some moments that i really like.. but i can't really remember the ones i wanna write so...:D *all i can remember are the ones that i don't wanna write so, sorry*
Ah, i think i had some fun yesterday on chem lab... the experiment was kinda interesting, n yeah i guess that's all?:PPPPPP *smiley*
hmmm, i don't really have anything to talk about...so i guess this is the end?:D
p.s. i'm sorry if it's really boring, but i'm pretty much very bored now so don't blame me?:) *the lamest excuse ever*
quote 4 d day? HMMMMMMMMMMM
"Don't give up easily in your life, once you find the right path, you will feel right again."
i know that some people might not understand about the quote, but i just kinda feel like writing it now soo... nyahahahhaa
alrite, dat's pretty much all!~
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