I just finished watching a movie, a very funny and inspiring movie called bridesmaids, which was the movie that none of my friends were interested to watch it eventhough it was super awesome, like real awesome:)
Anyway i got a haircut today!! HAHA #superunimportant
It was kinda ugly but who cares anyway...:P
So let's get back to the topic. i actually got inspired by the movie. It's funny watching someone's life falls apart and also the way she handles things. #evilperson.com
It got me thinking, Have i reached my turning point too?
I mean, in the story, she definitely has reached her turning point, she got no job, crappy car, lost her best friend n even got kicked out from her own house.
WOW right?
it was no wonder when she finally reaches her boiling pointLOL #i''m not talking about physics or chem btw#
Well, i have to say that life hasn't been all that good to me. This year *including last year too actually* has been quite depressing truthfully. It's like, i've lost a little piece of me..
My point of view of my own life has changed too, like soo drastically. And i guess it changed not in a good way. I'm overly TOO emotional over stupid unimportant things.
I've also become more careless about everything. Even about my life== it's more like, i'm not even really that afraid if i *** because i don't even know what i have to lose if i'm gone._.
I know that this was VERY WRONG WAY of thinking, but i guess for the time being i can't really change this method of thinking...
I guess that little piece of puzzle that i've lost is important, but i don't even know what it is. I just feel.... hmmmm different?
and you see, i've been thinking too, i think i've lost my purpose in life. But you see *again*, i don't even know what was my purpose before this part of me appears.
So unless i've found another purpose, another precious thing or another qualified reasons for me to live, i can't really change myself... dang...
I've been thinking that, maybe this is my turning point, like the turning point of my life or something like that?:D
And i decided to stay stronger and blablabla #the point is, it still doesn't work out well
after i watched "Bridesmaids", i was like, WOW...
i know it's only in a movie, but i know that it's not impossible to happen to people...
I mean, Annie's life *the main chara from the movie* totally sux! Like for real!!LOL
and of course, even worse than my life... #from my point of view
I guess there are lots of other people's lives that are no better than me. I mean there are still poor people who are suffering. Their misery are even much much worse than me...
i still have my loving family and friends. i'm still able to breathe, eat n have fun. my parents are still able to pay for my school, i still have a house to live in and one last thing, i am still able to live and experience new wonderful things that GOD has prepared for me. #WEW
also, not all things in my life are horrible, there are still those enjoyable, fun, memorable, happy moments that i always keep inside my mind.
MAYBE, just maybe, some people dreamt to have this kind of life, when i who's a total jerk, can't even appreciate everything that's happened to me.
So, starting now, like today #hehe, i'm going to try my best, to live my everyday life to the fullest in every hour, minute n even second!
I'm going to learn to appreciate everything and not COMPLAIN...
Since God is nice enough to give me all these beautiful things including my life, i'm gonna pay Him back, with doing the things i can do, like totally using the rest of my life into something meaningful and not worthless!
That way, maybe everything will turn to something better... Who knows? HA!
Alright, i'm like super sleepy now, i mean, it's almost friggin 12 a.m. FGS! so i better get some sleep== #TRUEFACT: my eyes are already half-asleep while i'm writing this
P.S. this is not a depressing post, it's more like: i'm inspired by a movie and learn something good slash important period
so, good night and enjoy your sleep folks! #cuz i'm totally going to!
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