As u can c from d title... dis post is about d result of d 1st QT:((((((
well, actually, i only know d mark
s of 2 subjects, which are physics n math...
There are gud news n bad news...
Bad news first: i got f*ck*ng 57!!!! WTH was dat???? well, dis was pretty much entirely my fault, since i was d one who stupidly left 2 essay nums blank... n evn if i was able 2 finish d essay, i still don't think my result will b satisfying=A=
Good/xtremely gud news: well.. evnthough i got 57 for physics, i still got 100 for math!!! *banzai, banzai!*>w<

*pic of natsume yuujinchou as a present 4 my mark hehe*
i'm proud of myself n d hardwork i've put to finish dat crazy exam:P but i'm still xtremely disappointed 4 my physics:((((( i suck!
ehem, anywy, i've so busy today n i guess dat's all 4 today...
n dang, i hvn't practiced my guitar!!!!==
i guess it'll b another busy week 4 me:"(
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