Well well well, it's been a long time since d last time i wrote sumthin here:)
Anywy, d result 4 QT 2 had been told n they were sooo awfully bad... *i think
i got 3 red marks n 2 blue marks:D n the blue marks r not so satisfying either.. life suxxx officialy.. (;_;)
i'd tried my best n i only got those results.. it was so disappointing n saddening...
i still hv to giv my best though... 4 d next QT! i'm just hoping that i'll b more diligent n b able to achieve a veerrryy gud scoreXD
ok, now moving on 2 d next topic...
i just finished watching natsume yuujinchou san..
That anime was just... i dun evn knw how to describe it, i mean it made me cry again!!LOL
Such a hearttouching story... i luv this kind of anime:P n i hope midorikawa yuki will produce d 4th season!!!!!! natsume yuujinchou is addictive!!:3

Natsume looked so hawt in dis pic!!:)))) I'm soo friggin in luv wid him:D
ok, now im tired of writing.. iguess i'll write some again when i hv d time.. I FEEL SO LAZY NOWW==
so i guesss dat's all 4 today!
#nowplaying Boku Kara Kimi e by Galileo Galilei
*it's a super awesome song which is my fav now*^U^
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