I'm officially back again!
How r u readers? please don't be bored to read this full-of-bullsh*t-blog-about-me:D
I know i haven't put a lot of entries lately, i'm just... BUSY? *hell yeah!*
so anyway, i got tons of stuffs to tell now...
HMmm, so just yesterday i went out to ciwok w/ my friends to watch "the Mighty Hunger Games", well i guess dat's wat G n V called itLOL
but you see, after seeing the movie, i wasn't fully intrigued by it... maybe i'm just stupid to not understand the story, but i just don't get it til now...
My point is only that: THE FILM WAS OKAY...
p.s. i also think it'd be better to choose liam hemsworth as the male lead role and other female aside from JL for the female lead role*
Indeed i am evil... HEHE but my opinion is always honest if i'm talking about a movie:))
n yeah, i had so much fun yesterday... i ate this fish n chips dat i kinda forgot to take the photograph=_= but it was delicious... *yum"*
a funny moment of yesterday: G was soo persistent to take pictures with V.K. in front of the giant poster of the hunger gamesLOL wats so funny? the fact that V.H n i were trying to ruin the pics..ROFL
after d long day, i was then able to relax at home n watch american idol.. it's even unnecessary to ask about the fact how amazing Phillip Phillips was yesterday<333
BUT d day was definitely not over yet, since my dad decided to go to the church== the mass started at 8.30 - 10.30 and weirdly, I was not sleepy like at all! hehehe
I'm actually glad that we did go to the church yesterday, because after this long long time, i, the most idiotic n embarrassing person in this world, was able to see my first's crush's face again!>3< indeed it's embarrassing to write somethin like dat, but i'm just... floating..#wtf
moving on to today!
i had this dancing practice today n i was soooo tired.. BUTT, i was pretty gud actually... like not that bad HEHE
i had fun too! -> V.H. n i were able to highfive-ing on the air n we managed to waltz dancing for a while! #UNIMPORTANTSTUFF
den i went to my course, n i ended up being a zombie... i was so friggin sleepy, tired n starving..
anyway, the weather is cold as usual, n it's soo cloudy+rainy.. i guess wat my teacher said about this friday is true==
ok den, i guess dat's all to tell today, since i pretty much got nothing else to tell about....
quote of the day: "Everything that's happened in your life must have happened for a very good reason."
i'm taking off now!!!
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