Indeed a lot of things happened.. The one that i can't stop thinking about and also the ones that make me happy:)
Including the fact that the stupid report card has alredy been given to us! AND I PASSED GRADE 10 peacefully<3
my marks weren't that wow-ing.. i mean at least now i'm able to go to A level! the mighty A LEVEL! hahaaha
yes i'm not kidding... i know the journey is not gonna b easy, but i just have to do this. I know i can and with God, what's impossible anyway?:DDDDD
K... EHM..
Done with the report card thingy and let's move on to the next topic:p
I've been busy with a lot of good happy stuff this week. It's summer after all! i'm so excited hahaha~
the start of this beautiful holiday is not that good though.. But i managed to get through all of em except for one effing thing which is personal and i can't stop thinking about it n kinda making me crazy:(
*this thing makes me unable to stop listening to Mindy Gledhill's songs=.=
sorry folks, i'm just not that ready to write about this prob.. so next time!:3
a.n.y.w.a.y! today my mom officially ciao-ed herself to the country i've always wanted to go... which obviously USA~!!! OMGOMG
I'm indeed disappointed the fact that i can't go. but i'll just let that go and just wait for my mum to come back and bring me lots and lots of souvenirs! SHE HAS TO! HAHALOL
so i think i should tell about how my day goes today huh?
so today's all about my day with VH n her sis! HAHAHAHAHA
it was fun indeed!!
we went swimming together, then even went to BSM!
DUUUDEEESS! we were so pathetically hilarious... LOL i mean, we purposely entered some high class stores that we can't even afford to buy! like Versace, Hugo Boss n lots of other stores.. i can only remember 2:|
here's the thing about today...
it's true though hahaha
U see, first, we ate at this restaurant called "Plate For Me" and WOW man!
it was awsomely delicious...<333
we ate spaghetti pesto n pizza! YUMYUMMYY heheheeeee
we went to Bakerzin then, to buy some desserts! YEAAY
we were gonna eat souffle at first... butt guess what? the price was unbelievably expensive damn it!
and what's worse? the souffle that i wanted was not available.. so i decided to just buy a mango mousse..
it was sweet, mango-ish and tasty! i think!:)))
and sooo, VH decided to buy the raspberry souffle.. which was so expensive.. n not to mention... VERY SOUR-ish! LOLOLOL
i can't stop laughing literally.. i mean the pudding-cake-like was delicious, i have to admit.. butt! the ice cream? UGH can't stand it at all!
it was super sour and bleeh..
my point is that: WE F-ING HATE IT HAHAHAH
but VH managed to eat em all which was amazed me actually:p
so we ended up walking around n around then without noticing, the day has ended....
YES today was good. n i can't thank anyone else beside my one and only God:) thanku...
K, so maybe that's all for today.. my eyes r getting sleepy n sleepier.. heheee
so c yall later! PEACE UP!
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