well well well, as you can see.. i'm super excited right now nyeheheheh
n the reason is also quite obvious actually, this is because........ the sport competition has begun!! *yeeeywell actually, i didn't really played any important role, i'm just a cheerleader:D n i ended up not doing that thankfully:) *it was gonna be a total embarrassment*
i'm actually very much happy n excited because i'm gonna be watching my friends compete which was super AWESOMEEE...
you see, when it comes to sport, i become a whole other person. i can't just sit quietly n watch the game, i need to yell, cheer n even screaming like a crazy person:DDDD
one other reason that i acted like that is because i'm a very sport person! *i honestly don't even know if such words exist*
i'm soooo in love with sports, any kind of them! i mean, how exciting will it be, to see people working together and fairly of course, to win a game together? damn i'm sooo liking it:DDD
that is why i have a very big dream, which is: going to L.A Lakers' stadium n watch them play!!!!!! i can't even imagine how crazy i'll be in there:))
today was the first day. n as i expected, i had sooo much fun screaming n yelling. it's like it's already my duty or something.. my class won most of the matches!!!!!:))))) which made me extremely happyyyy danggg!!
butt still, there were some loss too:'( butt i'm sure they'll be able to face the challenge tomorrow because they're super awesome! *Totally exaggerating*
my favorite match was the boys' basketball n volley. why i like volley? that's because my friends were so awesome @ serving the ball!
n basketball? duuh, who doesn't like basketball? especially me, i've been in love with basketball since like 4 years ago *NBA dudeee* eventhough i still suck playing it:3
plus, my friends r super awesome @ basketball!ha!
well, i may have compliment my friends too much butt that's fine i guess, since i'm all smiley" now!:PPP
a.n.y.w.ay the day didn't go sooo smoothly. @ 1.30 rain started to fall n we were like stuck in that place with nowhere to go. it was so friggin cold, and u know what's worse? i was sooo starving back then!!!!! ._.
butt fortunately i was able to go home safely n resting of course!
aah! i also got sunburn u see!! maybe this was because i was too focused to the game which made me forget about everything else! *what a reason!* -> there's actually another reason but that's a secret!:D
alrighty, this is all i gotta say for today. i'm tired, sleepy and i'm still curious about the application "iweb" in my computer which i just discovered yesterday. so i'm gonna continue making it! haaa!!
that's all! BYEEeee~
ah, quote 4 today:
"cheering for sport competition is super fun!"
i'm sorry if the quote is very useless, i guess the sunburnt has caused me to be dumb:P
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