alrite, first of all, i don't understand what i just wrote, but they all mean "Happy Lunar New Year!" *i guess*
so, starting with today's entry... i just wanna wish everyone good luck in this new year n i hope happiness will always b wid you:) *this really came from my heart!jk*butt for real.
i must say, this new year is not as amusing as last years'.. a lot of things happened n i can't really write in detailed because these things r personal:p *gomenasai*
but my point is that i've been sad for these 2 days.. n not for stupid reason like i usually did, i mean, this thing is real:(
alrite, moving on....
Lately, i've noticed that i'm a jerk, i know.. but i have changed, even if it's only a little, but it matters!
I've be able to KINDA control my temper, not doing watever i want n so on, then i notice my brother who's in junior high school have become even annoying den ever.
WTF is wrong wid him? I've always ended being pissed off after talking with him, with the feeling of slaughtering him to pieces! *sorry 4 d violent act*
I mean, he can be nice sometimes but most of the times, he's an *ssh*l*
Sorry 4 being so rude to my OWN STUPID DUMB IDIOTIC lil brother, butt i'm soo mad n pissed at him right now.
i guess the reason that i'm this mad is pretty stupid. you see, our computer at home was upgraded a few days ago, so we kinda can install all kinds of games we want *much bigger memory space*
so let's get to the point
MY OWN STUPID DUMB IDIOTIC lil brother acts as if he owns the F*CK*NG computer, WTFFF??? he doesn't own it, it's our family's!! which means i can also use it!!!!!
butt since i already have a laptop, i can't really say anything...==
but i'm still thankful 4 having this laptop because i love this things so much<3
really, teenage boy, like my brother is MAD. he thinks that he's always rite n watsoever, makes me want to punch him in d face n sometimes even ************************ -> because it's too violent, it's being censored.
really, i wish that one day, i could say F*CK U! to his face... maybe it'll definitely make me feel much better.
so listen all big sis who has a younger brother. Be aware of your brother because in the times when he grew up, he's always gonna annoy u like hell n not to mention acting like an INSANE person the whole time.but perhaps if you're lucky, your brother wouldn't turn out to be this way.
okeeey, i guess that's all 4 the angry post:D i'm tired of being angry anyway...
i guess i'll just have to wait for the right time to play simsT.T
dat's all 4 today n no quote because i'm furious>:<
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