It's been a long time hehe sorry for being so lazy to update this blog:)
anyway! today's entry is gonna be about a super awesome manga review!!! n d manga is:...
wait 4 it....
OBORERU KNIFE !!!>.< by George Asakura
Let me remind you first, this manga is not a typical shoujo manga! it's very confusing, intense, exciting, super sweet and also makes you want to read more again n again!
Here's d summary:
A beautiful and mature sixth grade girl from Tokyo suddenly has to move out to the country side of Japan with her family. The girl, Natsume, then meets a boy and from then on she begins to feel 'something' in her body, like a surging wave....
My Opinion:
i think the story is great, the characters are amazing and the artwork is just simply stunning! because of this manga, here now i claim George Asakura as one of the greatest author i've ever known!LOL
n you know what's even better? The story is intense, which makes you want to keep reading and keep wondering what'll happen next..
There are some sad moments, happy, sweet and even moving moments:))))))
Wat i think about the charas:
WOW, this girl is just so pretty but eventhough she's perfect at almost everything, she still has her own struggles. Plus, she's not like one of those protagonist that you'll easily find in shoujo mangas because she's super awesome * i think *
He's a bit strange, i have to admit. i don't really understand his actions, especially towards Natsume. n i personally think that he's always been in love with natsume.. *spoiler contained: so why let her go???*
anyway, at volume 4-6/7 i hated him so much:) i thought that Natsume should just be with Otomo. Butt, at some point of the chapters after that, i actually felt bad for him. n then i found myself liking him for the next few days:D Til now of course!!!<3333333333 natsumexko 4evaaaTuT
He's just a typical guy with a good looking faceTEehEE:) and what makes him special? He's soooo sweet in the end. i mean, he's like a total jerk when he was a kid but now, he's so nice n i like him:DD
i think she's xtremely weird. She's like ko's worshipper or something== but i still think that she'll have an important role later on the series.
ah, i also hate her btw:D
I guess that's all 4 the review...:D and here's a pic of oboreru knife vol9:")

If you're a fan of shoujo mangas, you should totally read this!!!! Ha~~~
ok then, i guess that's all for today. I'm gonna read some comics now!
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